Fellowship & Fortitude: The Bookclub for Christian Parents (2nd Sunday @6pm)
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Welcome to Fellowship & Fortitude!
Fellowship and Fortitude: The Bookclub for Christian Parents, serves to encourage, inspire, and focus, not only your parenting journey, but also your eternal journey with Jesus Christ! We welcome any and all parents to join. Whether you are expecting your first child, or parenting adult children, this is the place for you!
Fellowship and Fortitude: The Bookclub for Christian Parents meets virtually on the second Sunday of each month at 6pm (a zoom link will be provided in the event listing ahead of time). Together, we choose a biblically based parenting book to read prior to our meeting. At the meeting, we discuss, share, and support one another. We will form friendships, strengthen our relationship with Jesus, and gain biblically based skills to support us on our parenting journey and eternal journey with Jesus. On special occasions, authors and speakers will be invited to the virtual and/or in-person components to speak on a specific title or a special skill that relates to the book being discussed.
Feel free to join the Facebook group to stay connected with other parents in Fellowship! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1935272606652445/
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May 3, 2022
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